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Aiberdeenshire Gift Caird

13 Feb, 2023

Aiberdeenshire Gift Caird

We’re fair trickit tae announce aat Doric Books is officially pairt o e Scotlan Loves Local Gift Caird scheme – Aiberdeenshire Cooncil Region.

If ye wint tae promote supportin local tae yer freens an faimly, foo nae buy thim e gift caird fur thir neist birthday an they can gie yer favourite companies a haun inna!

Far Can I Buy a Gift Caird?

  • Simple, jist ging on an choose e gift caird fur e region o Scotlan ye wint, enter foo muckle ye wint tae pit on e caird, syne an gift it!
  • Yer special body can see far tae eese thir braw gift caird on e local directory page via


We are delighted to announce that Doric Books is officially apart of the Scotland Loves Local Gift Card scheme – Aberdeenshire council region.

If you want to promote supporting local to your friends and family, why not buy them the gift card for their next birthday and they can help out your favourite companies too!

Where Can I Buy a Gift Card?

  • Simple, just go on and choose the gift card specific to a region of Scotland, enter the value of your choice and gift it!
  • Your special someone can see where to spend their lovely gift card on the local directory page via
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Veesit tae Meldrum Primary

08 Feb, 2023

Veesit tae Meldrum Primary

On Monday, we got e chunce tae veesit ae e gran loons an quines in Primary 5/6 at Meldrum Primary Skweel!

We fair enjoy gaun tae skweels an teachin e bairns an teachers mair aboot Doric thro thir favourite (an a puckle original) tales. We’re sae passionate aboot Doric we feel lucky aat we get tae dee events like iss, sae we wint tae thank aa e staff an bairns aat made oor day sic fun.

We’d a gey lauch tellin e classic story o ‘Aul McDonald Hid e Farm’, an e bairns learnt puckles aboot Doric (even tho sum wur experts aaready!) an they discovert foo tae publish a beuk.

Jackie stairted aff bi readin throwe e beuk wi its quirky additions aat arenae in e well-kint sang. Syne, Aaron (e author an illustrator) gaed e bairns a brief run-doon o foo he cums up wi e ideas fur e characters an thir interestin an antic personalities, layoots/compositions o e pages an syne foo he brings it aa egither on his computer. Neist, Jackie described e dreaded process fur aa writers…editin! Iss pairt wis espeecially helpfu tae e youngsters as they’re learnin in thir English claiss aa aboot e joys o editin! E session wis wrappit up in fine time fur a weel-deserved brak wi sum questions an special tales aboot grannies an grandas fae e bairns. E pupils wur rare at listenin an interactin an hid a hantle o braw questions throweoot e session. A muckle shoutoot tae Meldrum Primary fur bein sic rare sports!

Iv ony ither skweels are interestit in haein us cum in tae dee wirkshops wi thir claisses, contact Jackie at:


On Monday, we got the exciting opportunity to visit all the lovely boys and girls in Primary 5/6 at Meldrum Primary School!

We all love going to schools and teaching the children and teachers more about Doric through their favourite (and a few original) tales. We are passionate about Doric and that’s why we feel so lucky that we get to do events like these, so we want to thank all the staff and children that were involved in our fun day.

We had a lot of giggles telling the classic story of ‘Aul McDonald Hid e Farm’, the children learned a lot about Doric (even though some were experts already!) and they discovered how to publish a book.

Jackie started off by reading through the book with its quirky additions that are not in the well-known song. Then Aaron (the author and illustrator) gave the children a brief run-down of how he comes up with the ideas for the characters and their interesting and eccentric personalities, layouts/compositions of the pages and finally how he brings it all together on his computer. Jackie then describes the dreaded process for all writers…editing! This part was helpful for the youngsters as they were learning in their English class all about the joys of editing. They wrapped the sessions up in time for a well-deserved break with some questions and special tales about grannies and grandpas from the kids. The pupils were great at listening and interacting and had some fantastic questions all throughout the sessions (shoutout to Meldrum Primary for being excellent sports!).

If any other schools are interested in having us come in and chat away to their little ones, contact Jackie at:


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Oor Latest Interns

08 Feb, 2023

Oor Latest Interns

As Doric Books his developt, we’ve fun e need fur sum extra hauns! We’ve hid a puckle students wirk wi’s ower e paist twa year an we’re affa wintin tae show aff oor latest eens – Kirils an Kirstie! Twa Robert Gordon University (RGU) students fa are helpin oot as pairt o thir placement modules.

Sae let’s introduce em…

Kirils is studyin Digital Marketing BA (Hons) an winna tell’s his future plans as he’s affa superstitious – fitivver, thir muckle plans fur sure! He’s takin care o oor social media sites an we’ve seen a fair difference aaready. Fin he’s fluent in Doric – an we hiv ivery confidence aat he’ll get ere – he’ll be quadrilingual!. Nae bad ava!

Kirstie’s studyin Journalism BA (Hons) an houps tae ging intae e magazine industry – specialisin in design! She screives maist o oor articles iv noo.  Kirstie grew up in Ayrshire (far oor favourite female fitba player Rose Reilly cums fae – bit Kirstie says she’s nae eese on e pitch!). Her Doric is getting ere inna, an she’s attemptin tae get eesed tae e North-East version o Scots raither than e Gleswegian aat she normally spikks.


As Doric Books has developed, we’ve found the need for some extra hands! We’ve had a few students work with us over the past two years and we’re desperate to show off our latest ones – Kirils and Kirstie. Two Robert Gordon University (RGU) students who are helping us out as part of their placement modules.

So let us introduce them…

Kirils is studying Digital Marketing BA (Hons) and will not tell us his future plans as he is very superstitious – however they seem big for sure! He is taking care of our social media sites and we’ve already noticed a huge difference. When Kirils becomes fluent in Doric – and we have a lot of confidence in him that he will – he will be quadrilingual! Nat bad, eh?

Kirstie is studying Journalism BA (Hons) and hopes to go into the magazine industry – specialising in design! She writes a lot of our articles just now.  She grew up in Ayrshire (where our favourite female football player Rose Reilly also grew up – saying that though, she isn’t too good on the pitch!). Her Doric is also getting there, and she is attempting to get used to the North-East version of Scots rather than the Glaswegian that she normally speaks.


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Doric Board Grants

04 Feb, 2023

Doric Board Grants

Muckle thanks tae e Doric Board fur e grants they’ve gien us! Iss Scottish Government funded grants alloo us tae create mair beuks an tak forrit oor community engagement acteevities. Ye can read fit we’re gaun tae dee wi e siller richt here (it’s gye excitin myn!).

We would like to give a massive thank you to the Doric Board for the grants they have awarded us! These Scottish Government funded grants allow us to create more books and further develop our community engagement activities. We’ve written a little bit about what we plan to do with the money (let me tell you, it’s exciting stuff!).


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