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Mon-Fri, 9am-5pm



Lumphanan, Banchory, AB31 4QX


Lumphanan, Banchory, AB31 4QX

Mon-Fri, 9am-5pm


Community Acteevities

As a Community Interest Company, Doric Books exists tae benefit e Doric spikkin community.  Oor aim is tae see Doric vailyed an enjoyed in hames, skweels an communities across e Nor-East o Scotland an ayont.  Wi iss in min we offer online or in situ Doric Wirkshops an Doric Blethers tae skweels an community groups.

As a Community Interest Company, Doric Books exists to benefit the Doric speaking community.  Our aim is to see Doric valued and enjoyed in homes, schools and communities across the North-East of Scotland and beyond.  With this in mind we offer online or in situ Doric Workshops and Doric Blethers to schools and community groups. 


Doric Blethers is a chunce tae listen tae a puckle stories or poyems or sangs or aa three!  E aim is tae hae folk enjoyin listenin tae e Doric an jynin in far they can.  There's a puckle examples o fit we can dee aneath bit we can maak a programme tae suit yer group.  E cost depens on fit kin o group ye are.  We micht be able tae subsidise e cost for certain groups.  Ye can book a Doric Blether or speir aboot fit we cud dee for ye bi contactin us on

Doric Blethers is a chance to listen to some stories or poems or songs or all three!  The aim is to have participants enjoying listening to Doric and joining in where they can.  Below you will find a few examples of what we can do but we can also create a programme to suit your group.  The cost depends on what kind of group you are.  We might be able to subsidise the costs for certain groups.  You can book a Doric Blether or ask about what we can do for you by contacting us on


Storytellin wi Jackie Ross

Jackie’s a professional storyteller fa’s been tellin tales tae folk o aa ages, fae wee bairns tae them aats up in life, for a gweed puckle year.  Here she is haein fun tellin stories wi her freens online bit she likes tellin in person even mair cause folk can jyne in.  She kens stories aboot aa kin o things – fae faeries, kelpies an giants, tae beasts, fairmers an fisherfolk.  Takin pairt in storytellin is a gran wye tae enjoy e Doric tongue.

Storytelling with Jackie Ross

Jackie is a professional storyteller who has been telling tales to people of all ages, from young children to older people, for a number of years. Here she is having fun telling stories with her pals online but she likes telling in person even more because people can join in.  She knows stories about all kinds of things – from fairies, kelpies and giants to animals, farmers and fishermen. Taking part in storytelling is a great way to enjoy the Doric language.


Poyetry wi Jo Gilbert 

Jo is an Aberdein based writer an spoken wird artist.  She writes in her mither tongue, Doric, an English as weel.  She's e winner o mony poyetry slams an haes hid work commissioned for festivals, art installations an films.  Her maist recent commission wis tae write poyems aboot e picturs at Aberdein Art Gallery.  Ye’ll be able tae see fit she’s deen fan it’s pairt o e permanent collection.  She haes experience o rinnin wirkshops an poyetry sessions wi folk o aa ages. 

Poetry with Jo Gilbert 

Jo is an Aberdeen based writer and spoken word artist.  She writes in her native tongue of Doric and in English.  She's the winner of multiple poetry slams, and has had work commissioned for festivals, art installations and films. Her most recent commission was to write poems in response to the art at Aberdeen Art Gallery.  You will be able to see her work when it becomes part of the permanent collection.  She has experience of running workshops and poetry sessions for all ages. 

E Hale Jing-bang wi Sheena Blackhall

Ye cud hae e hale jing-bang (stories, poyems an sangs) wi weel kint poyet, short story writer, novelist an illustrator, Sheena Blackhall.  Sheena his published 4 Scots novellas, 15 short story collections an 157 poyetry collections as weel as translatin mony Classic novellas & bairn's books intae Doric.  She wis appyntit Makar for Aberdein an e Nor East in 2009. She’s a ballad singer an storyteller inna.  Fit mair dee we need tae say?!

The Full Package with Sheena Blackhall

You could have the full package (stories, poems and songs) with well-known poet, short story writer, novelist and illustrator, Sheena Blackhall.  Sheena has published 4 Scots novellas, 15 short story collections and 157 poetry collections as well as translating several Classic novellas & children's books into Doric. She was appointed Maker (Poet Laureate) for Aberdeen and the North East in 2009.  She is also a ballad singer and storyteller.  What more do we need to say?!