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Jock's Daunder Roon Monymusk Nominated fur Award

08 Sep, 2023

Jock's Daunder Roon Monymusk Nominated fur Award

We've pinched iss news article fae Aiberdeenshire Cooncil's website. It spiks aboot e rare wee beuk screived bi bairns at Monymusk an gies a link tae vote fur thim at e Scots Language Awards - ye've gotten til 10th September tae vote!

We have stolen this news article from Aberdeenshire Council's website. It talks about the wonderful little book written by children at Monymusk and gives a link to vote for them at the Scots Language Awards - you have until 10th September to cast your vote!

Headteacher Jill Moir said: “We are absolutely delighted that both the children’s book and the school itself have been nominated for this year’s Scots Language Awards. I am so proud of the pupils’ achievements this year – they worked so hard on writing the book in the Doric dialect and they are all very deserving of an award for all their efforts.”

Cllr David Keating, chair of the council’s Education and Children’s Services Committee, added: “I’m really pleased at the well-deserved news for Monymusk School and these nominations demonstrate the school’s commitment to keeping the Doric alive and kicking. I really hope everyone across Aberdeenshire will vote for the school – it really would be the icing on the cake for the pupils, staff and parents.”

Voting for this year’s Scots Language Awards is now open and closes on Sunday, September 10. You can cast your votes here:

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Huntly Hairst

29 Aug, 2023

Huntly Hairst

We're gettin riggit fur a fun wiken at Huntly Hairst. On Saturday 2nd September we'll be tellin tales at Orbs Bookshop. Cum alang an hear sum o yer fav stories telt in Doric an mebbe draa a pictur tae ging wi't. Syne on Sunday we'll be at e Leith Hall picnic wi a hale hantle o tales tae tell. Houp tae see ye ere.

We're getting ready for a fun weekend at Huntly Hairst. On Saturday 2nd September we'll be telling tales at Orbs Bookshop. Come along and hear some of your fav stories told in Doric and maybe draw a picture to go with it. Then on Sunday we'll be at the Leith Hall picnic with lots of tales to tell. Hope to see you there.

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Wee Stoorie Press

22 Aug, 2023

Wee Stoorie Press

We jist learnt aboot iss braw wee beukies an wintit tae share thim wi ye - thir nae Doric bit they're written in anither dialect o Scots. We think they're rare. Here's a bittie aboot thim fae e fowks thimsels: We just learned about these lovely books and wanted to share them with you - they are not Doric but they are written in another dialect of Scots. We think they are wonderful. Here's a little bit about them by the publishers themselves:

Wee Stoorie Press was awarded the Scots Language Publishing Award 2021 which allowed it to publish its first book series - The Fower tales o Phantom.

Phantom the ginger mog, is a lovable flying cat who glides, flips and swoops throughout the seasons (one for each of the four books) in search of delicious grub, good company and craic, along with a huge helping of mayhem and fun on the way.

These gentle tales are beautifully written in Scots by Kirsty Johnson with full colour illustrations by Mandy Sinclair. The Phantom books come with a glossary for wee ones and their grown-ups to help along the way.

You can check out more info at and

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Publishing Association Summer Reading List

28 Jul, 2023

Publishing Association Summer Reading List

We're fair trickit tae say aat 'Jock's Daunder Roon Monymusk' his been includit in e Publishers Association Summer Reading List fur Parliamentarians. 📕📗📘📙




We're delighted to say that 'Jock's Daunder Roon Monymusk' has been featured in the Publishers Association Summer Reading List for Parliamentarians. 📕📗📘📙


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