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Oor Christmas Giveaway

07 Dec, 2021

Oor Christmas Giveaway

It's Christmas, an thinkin fit tae gee yer freens in family can be fykie. Sae we at Doric Books hiv decided tae gee ye a haun bi geein awa three (3!) copies o oor neyw buik, 'Nae Place Like Hame'. It michtnae be a buik aboot Christmas, bit it his a polar bear an a fair puckle snaa!

Tae enter, aa ye need tae dee is like iss post an oor Facebook page, an comment taggin a freen fa’d enjoy readin a Doric buik (wi a glossary an a soon file tae gee thim a haun!) // follae us on Twitter, an retweet iss!

Ye can dee multiple entries as lang as ye’re taggin a different body ilka time. Iv ye wint tae increase yer chances, mak sure ye’re takin pairt in e Twitter an Instagram geeawas inna! Bit mind, ye can only win ae buik.

Aa e best aabdy – e winners’ll be announced on Monday!


It's Christmas, and thinking of presents for your loved ones must be hard... so we at Doric Books have decided to help you by giving away three (3!) copies of our new book, 'Nae Place Like Hame'. It might not be a book about Christmas, but it has a polar bear and quite a lot of snow!

To enter, all you need to do is like this post and our Facebook page, and comment tagging a friend who'd enjoy reading a Doric book (with a glossary at the end!) // follow us on Twitter, and retweet this!

Multiple entries are allowed as long as you are tagging a different person each time. In order to increase your chances, make sure you're participating in the Twitter and Instagram giveaways too! However, you can only win one book.

Good luck everyone -- winners will be announced on Monday!

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The Foggie Neuk Christmas Fair

02 Dec, 2021

The Foggie Neuk Christmas Fair

We're gettin ready fur a fine time up at Foggie iss Saturday.  They're haein a gran Christmas Fair wi Sunty, singers, stalls an aa kinds.  Jackie'll be tellin Christmas stories inna.  Be sure in cum alang atween 10.00-2.00.  See ye ere!

Ging til thir Facebuik page fur mair info an puckles o bonnie picturs!


We're getting ready for a good time up at Foggie this Saturday.  They're having a grand Christmas Fair with Santa, singers, stalls and all kinds of things.  Jackie will be telling Christmas stories as well.  Be sure to come along between 10.00-2.00.  See you there!

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Doric Blethers at Craigard House, Ballater

29 Nov, 2021

Doric Blethers at Craigard House, Ballater

Sheena an Jackie hid a rare time up at Craigard House, Ballater bletherin in Doric tae e residents.  Sheena telt thim aa aboot her summers in Ballater fin she wis a quine an sang a puckle sangs tae get thir feet tappin.  A braw time wis hid bi aa.  Sheena and Jackie had a great time up at Craigard House, Ballater chatting in Doric to the residents.  Sheena told them all about her summers in Ballater when she was a girl and sung a few songs to get their feet tapping.  A good time was had by all. 
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Deveron Projects Huntly

28 Nov, 2021

Deveron Projects Huntly

We wir up in Huntly on Friday (jist afore Storm Arwen hit e Nor-East) tae tell e folks at e Devron Projects' Friday Lunch aa aboot Doric Books.  Efter a fine plate o soup we telt thim fou we stairtit, fit we've deen up tae noo, an fit oor plans fur e future are. Syne they speirt a puckle questions an hid a gweed luikie at e buiks.  Folk wir fair trickit wi thim.

We were up in Huntly on Friday (just before Storm Arwen hit the North-East) tell the folks at the Devron Projects' Friday Lunch all about Doric Books.  After a tasty plate of soup we told them how we started, what we've done so far, and what our plans for the future are. Then they asked a few questions and had a good look at the books.  People were very impressed with them.

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