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Lumphanan, Banchory, AB31 4QX


Lumphanan, Banchory, AB31 4QX

Mon-Fri, 9am-5pm

Veesit tae Meldrum Primary

Veesit tae Meldrum Primary


On Monday, we got e chunce tae veesit ae e gran loons an quines in Primary 5/6 at Meldrum Primary Skweel!

We fair enjoy gaun tae skweels an teachin e bairns an teachers mair aboot Doric thro thir favourite (an a puckle original) tales. We’re sae passionate aboot Doric we feel lucky aat we get tae dee events like iss, sae we wint tae thank aa e staff an bairns aat made oor day sic fun.

We’d a gey lauch tellin e classic story o ‘Aul McDonald Hid e Farm’, an e bairns learnt puckles aboot Doric (even tho sum wur experts aaready!) an they discovert foo tae publish a beuk.

Jackie stairted aff bi readin throwe e beuk wi its quirky additions aat arenae in e well-kint sang. Syne, Aaron (e author an illustrator) gaed e bairns a brief run-doon o foo he cums up wi e ideas fur e characters an thir interestin an antic personalities, layoots/compositions o e pages an syne foo he brings it aa egither on his computer. Neist, Jackie described e dreaded process fur aa writers…editin! Iss pairt wis espeecially helpfu tae e youngsters as they’re learnin in thir English claiss aa aboot e joys o editin! E session wis wrappit up in fine time fur a weel-deserved brak wi sum questions an special tales aboot grannies an grandas fae e bairns. E pupils wur rare at listenin an interactin an hid a hantle o braw questions throweoot e session. A muckle shoutoot tae Meldrum Primary fur bein sic rare sports!

Iv ony ither skweels are interestit in haein us cum in tae dee wirkshops wi thir claisses, contact Jackie at:


On Monday, we got the exciting opportunity to visit all the lovely boys and girls in Primary 5/6 at Meldrum Primary School!

We all love going to schools and teaching the children and teachers more about Doric through their favourite (and a few original) tales. We are passionate about Doric and that’s why we feel so lucky that we get to do events like these, so we want to thank all the staff and children that were involved in our fun day.

We had a lot of giggles telling the classic story of ‘Aul McDonald Hid e Farm’, the children learned a lot about Doric (even though some were experts already!) and they discovered how to publish a book.

Jackie started off by reading through the book with its quirky additions that are not in the well-known song. Then Aaron (the author and illustrator) gave the children a brief run-down of how he comes up with the ideas for the characters and their interesting and eccentric personalities, layouts/compositions of the pages and finally how he brings it all together on his computer. Jackie then describes the dreaded process for all writers…editing! This part was helpful for the youngsters as they were learning in their English class all about the joys of editing. They wrapped the sessions up in time for a well-deserved break with some questions and special tales about grannies and grandpas from the kids. The pupils were great at listening and interacting and had some fantastic questions all throughout the sessions (shoutout to Meldrum Primary for being excellent sports!).

If any other schools are interested in having us come in and chat away to their little ones, contact Jackie at: