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Lumphanan, Banchory, AB31 4QX

Mon-Fri, 9am-5pm

Oor Latest Interns

Oor Latest Interns


As Doric Books his developt, we’ve fun e need fur sum extra hauns! We’ve hid a puckle students wirk wi’s ower e paist twa year an we’re affa wintin tae show aff oor latest eens – Kirils an Kirstie! Twa Robert Gordon University (RGU) students fa are helpin oot as pairt o thir placement modules.

Sae let’s introduce em…

Kirils is studyin Digital Marketing BA (Hons) an winna tell’s his future plans as he’s affa superstitious – fitivver, thir muckle plans fur sure! He’s takin care o oor social media sites an we’ve seen a fair difference aaready. (Jackie even kens foo tae log in tae Twitter noo!) Alangside iss, he’s been analysin oor data an lettin us ken foo we can improve sic things as foo tae reach mair Doric spikkers etc. He’s originally fae Russia bit his been in Scotlan fur a puckle year noo an he loves it. Sae, sin we’re a company aat promotes speakin Doric, we’re gettin oor interns eesed tae it an sae far, we’d say Kirils is fairly haein a go. Fin he’s fluent in Doric – an we hiv ivery confidence aat he’ll get ere – he’ll be quadrilingual!. Nae bad ava!

Kirstie’s studyin Journalism BA (Hons) an houps tae ging intae e magazine industry – specialisin in design! She screives maist o oor articles iv noo.  Ye can see thim in e ‘News’ section on oor website alangside her fun graphics tae compliment her writin. She’s been a gran help wi interviewin sum o ye inna.  It’s rare tae get feedback an research fur a couple o fun projects aat wi hiv comin up. Kirstie grew up in Ayrshire (far oor favourite female fitba player Rose Reilly cums fae – bit Kirstie says she’s nae eese on e pitch!). Her Doric is getting ere inna, an she’s attemptin tae get eesed tae e North-East version o Scots raither than e Gleswegian aat she normally spikks. Kirstie actually wrote iss very article an is tryin nae tae big hersel up ower muckle!

Sae, iv ye ivver hae ony questions aboot promotion an writing techniques – be shur tae gie em a shout an they can mebbe help ye oot!




As Doric Books has developed, we’ve found the need for some extra hands! We’ve had a few students work with us over the past two years and we’re desperate to show off our latest ones – Kirils and Kirstie. Two Robert Gordon University (RGU) students who are helping us out as part of their placement modules.

So let us introduce them…

Kirils is studying Digital Marketing BA (Hons) and will not tell us his future plans as he is very superstitious – however they seem big for sure! He is taking care of our social media sites and we’ve already noticed a huge difference (Jackie even knows how to log in to Twitter now!). Alongside this, he has been analysing our data and letting us know how we can improve various things such as how to reach more Doric speakers etc. He’s originally from Russia but has been in Scotland for a couple of years now and he loves it. So, since we are a company that promotes speaking Doric, we are getting our interns used to it and so far, we would say Kirils is definitely getting there (when he becomes fluent in Doric – and we have a lot of confidence in him that he will – he will be quadrilingual!).

Kirstie is studying Journalism BA (Hons) and hopes to go into the magazine industry – specialising in design! She writes a lot of our articles just now.  They can be found in the ‘News’ section on our website alongside her fun graphics to compliment her writing. She has also been a huge help with interviewing some of you to get feedback and researching for a couple of fun projects that we have coming up. She grew up in Ayrshire (where our favourite female football player Rose Reilly also grew up – saying that though, she isn’t too good on the pitch!) but moved to Aberdeen for university. Her Doric is also getting there, and she is attempting to get used to the North-East version of Scots rather than the Glaswegian that she normally speaks. Kirstie actually wrote this very article and is trying not to big herself up too much!

So, if you ever have any questions about promotion and writing techniques – be sure to give them a shout and they can help you out!

