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Lumphanan, Banchory, AB31 4QX


Lumphanan, Banchory, AB31 4QX

Mon-Fri, 9am-5pm

Scots is nae jist for Scots!

Scots is nae jist for Scots!


Ye micht be surprised tae learn aat folk fae aa ower e warld are interested in e Scots tongue.  Jist e ither day I wis readin in e paper aboot e history o tea production an e fack aat ere wis sae mony Nor-East Scots involved in e trade aat e Ceylon Observer stairtit publishin articles in Doric!  Syne iss mornin a freen o mine sent throu a link tae a 'Scots Word o e Day' for Portuguese spikkers!  Aye, ye read richt!  Hae a luikie for yersel iv ye dinna believe ma:

An I ken aat fan e Elphinstone Institute did thir 'Doric For Beginners' course last ear they hid folk fae aa ower e warld jyne in.  Nae astonisher aat Americans an Canadians wir wintin tae connect wi thir roots bit ere wis folk fae Brasil, Italy, Lithuania, Poland an Spain inna.  Kinna wairms e cockles o yer heart.


Scots is not just for Scots!

You might be surprised to learn that people from all over the world are interested in the Scots Language.  Just the other day I was reading in the paper about the history of tea production and the fact that there were so many North-East Scots involved in the trade that the Ceylon Observer started publishing articles in Doric!  Then this morning a friend of mine sent through a link to a 'Scots Word of the Day' for Portuguese speakers!  Yes, you read right!  Have a look for yourself if you don't believe me:

And I know that when the Elphinstone Institute did their 'Doric For Beginners' course last year they had people from all over the world join in.  No surprise that Americans and Canadians wanted to connect with their roots but there were also participants from Brasil, Italy, Lithuania, Poland and Spain.  It warms the cockles of your heart.