11 Jul, 2021
Aul McDonald Gings Tae e Royal Burgh o Inverurie
11 Jul, 2021
Aul McDonald hid his first ootin iss wikend. He gid tae e Fairmer's Mairket in Inverurie. He hid a rare time newin tae a puckle folk an tellin them aa aboot his buik an fit he gets up til on e fairm. He wis fair trickit wi his ootin.
Aul McDonald Goes to the Royal Burgh of Inverurie
Aul McDonald had his first outing this weekend. He went to the Firmer's Market in Inverurie. He had a good time talking to lots of people and telling them all about his book and what he gets up to on the farm. He was really pleased with his day out.