Bairns' Buiks
Children's Books
Learning Doric can offer children a deeper connection to their cultural heritage, foster cognitive development, and play an important role in preserving a unique part of Scotland's linguistic landscape. Our books are the best way to understand simple, yet useful terms in order to help improve your experience learning Doric. Our kids books display an array of fun, eye-catching and interactive stories that both your child and you as a parent are bound to enjoy. Each book also features an extensive word bank- which gives translation to every single word that has featured within the story, making the learning experience straight-forward to navigate and engage with.

Nae Place Like Hame

The Tint Aig

Scottish Beasts Bunnle

Summer, e Magic Scurry

Aul McDonald hid a Fairm

Cedric e Flapper Skate

Bairns' Bunnle

The Monster o Loch Ness