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Lumphanan, Banchory, AB31 4QX

Mon-Fri, 9am-5pm

Doric Alive an Kickin 2 bi Deborah Leslie

Doric Alive an Kickin 2 is Deborah Leslie's second collection of short stories.  This new compilation, written entirely in the Doric dialect, features the lives and loves of a multitude of colourful North-east characters.  Find out why Jack's been left with a Naisty Taste in the Moo; follow the adventures of Reed Het Ronnie and his quest for true love; learn why Pride comes afore a Faa when Donnie installs Sky TV; read about why the Cock o' the North is spitting feathers; discover how Davie deals with the dreaded Mither-in-Laaw who outstays her welcome...  Its' all inside... and much more...

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