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Lumphanan, Banchory, AB31 4QX

Mon-Fri, 9am-5pm

Blythe Nyow Year

Blythe Nyow Year


Nae lang intae e nyow year (e lunar een onywye!), let’s tak a keek at fit Doric Books did in 2022!

We rhymed wi Jackie an Sheena, we blethered wi puckles o care hames an thir rare residents, we newsed awaa wi a fyew Rotary clubs, an fun ooy aboot flapper skates!

Oor hichlichts o e year include:

  • Oor beuk ‘The Tint Aig’ bein nominated fur e Scots Language Award 2022
  • Jackie bein nominated as best Scots spikker fur e second time at e Scots Language Awards
  • We collaborated wi Macduff Marine Aquarium on ‘Cedric e Flapper Skate’
  • We wint fitba mad wi The Denis Law Legacy Trust in Aiberdeen an Rose Reilly in Stewarton (makin us even mair excitit aboot iss year’s events fur World Book Day)
  • We did a bittie taewards savin e airth bi recyclin damaged beuks intae Yule decorations
  • Jackie gaed tae Edinburgh International Book Festival tae spread e wird aboot flapper skates bein een o Scotlan’s maist endangert beasts
  • We got grants fae e Doric Board an e Scottish Book Trust (funded bi e Scottish Government)

Sae fit are we gaun tae dee in 2023?

 We’re haudin gaun wi storytellin an publishin beuk nae doot! Bit we hiv ither excitin things planned inna, siclike:

  • World Book Day spent lauchin wi Rose Reilly, o ‘Fitba Legends’ fame
  • Visitin puckles o skweels, stairtin wi Meldrum Primary, tae share traditional tales an spik aboot e process o creatin a beuk
  • A collaboration wi Save Our Wildcats tae dee anither beukie fur oor Scottish Endagert Species series
  • Workin wi Monymusk Primary tae create thir ain beuk written in Doric
  • Doric Blether sessions in care hames
  • Doric Rhyme Time sessions fur bairns in libraries
  • Giein ye sum spleet-new content on oor social media sites:

Instagram: @doricbooks

Twitter: @BooksDoric

Facebook: Doric Books

  • An a fair puckle mair forbye…!

Sae… fae Doric Books to yersel, we thank ye fur e continued support an we houp iss year is even better!


Fresh into the new year (the lunar one!), let’s rewind and take a nosey into what Doric Books did in 2022!

We rhymed with Jackie and Sheena, we blethered with our local care homes and their lovely residents, we chattered away with the Rotary clubs, and even found out about flapper skates!

Our highlights of the year include:

  • Our book ‘The Tint Aig’ being nominated for the Scots Language Award 2022
  • Jackie being nominated as best Scots speaker for the second time at the Scots Language Awards
  • Collaborating with Macduff Marine Aquarium on ‘Cedric e Flapper Skate’
  • Going football mad with The Denis Law Legacy Trust in Aberdeen and Rose Reilly in Stewarton (making us even more excited about this year’s events for World Book Day)
  • Doing our bit towards saving the earth by recycling damaged books into Christmas decorations
  • Jackie attended the Edinburgh International Book Festival to spread the word about flapper skates being one of Scotland’s most endangered animals
  • We received grants from the Doric Board and the Scottish Book Trust (funded by the Scottish Government)

What can you expect from us in 2023?

We are obviously continuing our storytelling and publishing books of course! But we have other exciting things planned too, such as:

  • World Book Day spent laughing with Rose Reilly, of ‘Fitba Legends’ fame
  • Visiting various schools, starting with Meldrum Primary, to share traditional tales and speak about the process of creating a book
  • A collaboration with Save Our Wildcats to produce another book in our Scottish Endangered Species series
  • Working with Monymusk Primary to create their very own book written in Doric
  • Doric Blether sessions in care homes
  • Doric Rhyme Time sessions for children in libraries
  • Giving you some fresh content on our social media sites

Instagram: @doricbooks

Twitter: @BooksDoric

Facebook: Doric Books

  • And lots more…!

So… from Doric Books to you, we thank you for the continued support and we hope this year is even better!