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Mon-Fri, 9am-5pm



Lumphanan, Banchory, AB31 4QX


Lumphanan, Banchory, AB31 4QX

Mon-Fri, 9am-5pm

£100 Tae Spen

£100 Tae Spen


Due tae e muckle success aat e Scotlan Loves Local gift caird has hid oor e past puckle months, e Scottish Givernment his dedicatit thim as e way tae gie back £1.33 million tae hooseholds in Aiberdeenshire as a wye o passin on cooncil tax reductions – meanin aat 11,000 hooseholds aa ower Aiberdeenshire’ll get a £100 Scotland Loves Local gift caird!

Fae February 2023, Doric Books is a pairt o e Aiberdeenshire Cooncil caird scheme, sae if ye receive een o e gift cairds, ye can spen it wi us on oor website.

E gift cairds wur postit oot week stairtin 20th February 2023.

Dinna ken fit e gift caird is?  Weel, let’s tell ye!

E company aat cum up wi e gran idea o e Scotlan Loves Local campaign (Scotlan’s Toons Pairtnership) his collaboratit wi local Scottish communities an Miconex (e ceety gift caird providers) tae produce e Scotlan Loves Local Gift Caird!

E gift caird is unique tae ilka region o Scotlan an e purpose ahin e product is tae encourage fowk tae shop fae sma an local businesses tae help e survival o independent companies an keep e money in e local community.

If ye spend yer gift caird wi us, then message us on oor social medias or email oor journalism intern, Kirstie tae gie us feedback on:


Due to the huge success that the Love Local Gift card has had over the past few months, the Scottish Government has dedicated them as the way to give back £1.33 million to households in Aberdeenshire as a receipt of council tax reduction – meaning that 11,000 households within Aberdeenshire will receive a £100 Scotland Loves Local gift card!

As of February 2023, Doric Books is officially a part of the Aberdeenshire Council card scheme, so if you receive one of the gift cards, then you can spend it with us on our website.

The gift cards were posted out week commencing 20th February 2023.

Don’t know what the gift card is? Let us tell you!

The company that came up with the amazing idea of the Scotland Loves Local campaign (Scotland’s Towns Partnership) has collaborated with local Scottish communities and Miconex (the city gift card providers) to produce the Scotland Loves Local Gift Card!

The gift card is unique to each region of Scotland and the purpose behind the product is to encourage people to shop from small and local businesses to help the survival of these independent companies and keep the money within the local community.

If you spend your gift card with us, then message us on our social medias or email our journalism intern, Kirstie to give us feedback on: