Doric, Historic and Humorous
Iss is Harold Morrison Murray's siccond beuk o poyems. His first een raised mair nor £18,000 fur Cancer Research. Noo weel intae his 90s Harold his a gran memory an he likes a gweed lach. Fairmin his been his hobby an as ye'll see fae his poyems, it's been a real passion. Aa e siller fae 'Doric, Historic and Humorous' will ging tae Alzheimer's.
This is Harold Morrison Murray's second book of poems. His first book raised more than £18,000 for Cancer Research. Now well int0 his 90s Harold has a wonderful memory and he likes a good laugh. Farming has been his hobby and as you'll see from his poems, it has been a real passion. All the proceeds from 'Doric, Historic and Humorous' will go t Alzheimer's.